Wilderness Wally's Americana
FROM NEW ZEALAND - Originator of the 'Birthday Season'

Currently in Auckland: NZDT

Saturday, 29th of March 2025


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The Great New Zealand Root Beer Saga!
If you find something new about root beer in NZ, please let me know - WW

2020 - A&W Rootbeer now widely available at Countdown Supermarkets, price usually around $1.90 to $2.00 a can

2018 - DK writes
I've been getting A&W Root Beer AND Diet A&W Root Beer from MightyApe.co.nz. Their regular price is $16.00 per 12 pack but very often have it on sale for $12.00 per 12 pack. Of course, shipping is their standard $3.90 per (entire) order (but FREE if you get their Primate account - free shipping for a designated period which is as low as $4/mo if pre-paid for one year).

On the can: "Manufactured by a bottler under contract with Beverage Distribution Center, Inc., Pennsauken, NJ 08110 under the authority of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc., 5301 Legacy Drive, Plano, Tx 75024. ©2011 A&W Concentrate Company." There is NO "Made in Singapore" or anything else on the can which leads me to believe it is "Made in the USA."

Additionally, I have bought Dr Pepper from them for a few years but they have recently brought in Diet Dr Pepper (IMHO, much more "refreshing"), too! Same rate as for the A&Ws but have recently offered each at $10.00 per 12 pack and the Diet Dr Pepper at an astonishing $9.00 per 12 pack (I stocked up)!

Tom writes:
Hi, the A&W root beer supplied by CM enterprise is imported from Singapore and doesn't have the same or is it as nice a flavor as the authentic A&W from the states. Does anyone know the supplier for the authentic A&W from the states so I can buy in bulk? thanks

Tom, Martha's Backyard imports A&W root beer (and other canned drinks)from the US. They invite you to contact them for information on bulk purchases.
Martha's Backyard:
44 Mt Wellington Hwy, Mt Wellington, Auckland
Martha's Backyard

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Otis said:

Hi, do u sell the 1.5lt (A & W ) sz??

WW said:

Thanks for your enquiry, I'm checking now and will put the information on this page when I receive an answer. I wouldn't hold out much hope though... we have only been able to find A&W so far and even that is bought by the case and shipped to us as above.

Alison Varrell said:

Hello! I have a friend who would love to get some Barq's Rootbeer (product of Coca Cola) but hasn't been able to find it except in the states. Is it possible that you might get it at some point or is there a way he can order it? I live in the states, myself, and have been unable to locate a company that will ship it overseas. Can you please advise?
Thank you so much for your help!
Alison Varrell
Massachusetts, USA


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