Currently in Auckland: NZDT
Saturday, 29th of March 2025
The Great New Zealand Root Beer Saga!
If you find something new about root beer in NZ, please let me know - WW
2020 - A&W Rootbeer now widely available at Countdown Supermarkets, price usually around $1.90 to $2.00 a can
2018 - DK writes
I've been getting A&W Root Beer AND Diet A&W Root Beer from Their regular price is $16.00 per 12 pack but very often have it on sale for $12.00 per 12 pack. Of course, shipping is their standard $3.90 per (entire) order (but FREE if you get their Primate account - free shipping for a designated period which is as low as $4/mo if pre-paid for one year).
On the can: "Manufactured by a bottler under contract with Beverage Distribution Center, Inc., Pennsauken, NJ 08110 under the authority of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc., 5301 Legacy Drive, Plano, Tx 75024. ©2011 A&W Concentrate Company." There is NO "Made in Singapore" or anything else on the can which leads me to believe it is "Made in the USA."
Additionally, I have bought Dr Pepper from them for a few years but they have recently brought in Diet Dr Pepper (IMHO, much more "refreshing"), too! Same rate as for the A&Ws but have recently offered each at $10.00 per 12 pack and the Diet Dr Pepper at an astonishing $9.00 per 12 pack (I stocked up)!
Tom writes:
Hi, the A&W root beer supplied by CM enterprise is imported from Singapore and doesn't have the same or is it as nice a flavor as the authentic A&W from the states. Does anyone know the supplier for the authentic A&W from the states so I can buy in bulk? thanks
Tom, Martha's Backyard imports A&W root beer (and other canned drinks)from the US. They invite you to contact them for information on bulk purchases.
Martha's Backyard:
44 Mt Wellington Hwy, Mt Wellington, Auckland
Martha's Backyard