Wilderness Wally's Americana
FROM NEW ZEALAND - Originator of the 'Birthday Season'

Currently in Auckland: NZDT

Tuesday, 22nd of October 2024


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Sunday In Maine

Sunday In Maine
It was Sunday today and we attended church with Dr Mike and Kathy Landrum at the unique Wildwood Chapel in Pt Porpoise, Maine. Wildwood Chapel is a small 'stone' chapel built in 1910 to serve the needs of the local congregation that couldn't make it to services at the main church located a few miles away in Kennebunkport. Winter roads in those days were virtually impassable.

After services we queued for breakfast at Brandy's Wayfarer Restaurant, also in Cape Porpoise. The restaurant is located in a small, wood construction building, serves great food from pleasant, hard working waitresses who, in my estimation, are the backbone of America.

After we got back to Mike and Kathy's I sat out in the sun in one of their comfortable chairs and tried to read but I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went up to our room and laid on the bed, thinking a 'power-nap' would help the situation.

The town was quiet and it seemed like everyone had decided to stop for a moment and take a breath. It had been a long, long time since I'd seen a pause descend upon a town because it was Sunday ... a day of rest.

Just as I was dozing off the nearby church bells started to proclaim twelve-noon on this day. They did so with the beautiful, perfect tones of the hymn, "How great thou art".

As I listened to their praises I realized I was experiencing the essence of Americana. Oh, I have heard church bells before as they marked the time, the years, the end of wars and the passing of great personages. But never before have I heard them announce Sunday noon with such beauty. I may have found the essence of America that I thought was lost.

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