Currently in Auckland: NZDT
Saturday, 29th of March 2025
After moving to New Zealand and getting, somewhat, settled in I called my friend Bob in California.
Wally: Well here we are in beautiful, sunny New Zealand.
Bob: Great, when did you get there?
Wally: We arrived on the eighth of January.
Slight pause
Bob: What day did you leave?
Wally: We left on sixth of January
Slight pause
Bob: I thought you had a direct flight.
Wally: We did, left on the sixth and got here on the eighth.
Slight pause
Bob: You were two days in the air!
Wally: No, we lost a day.
Bob: Where did it go?
Wally: I don't know I just never saw it. I fell asleep on the plane, when I woke up it was the eighth! There was a rumor on the plane that we had flown over the seventh somewhere around two in the morning.
Bob: You mean two in the morning where you were?
Wally: Well I was in row 32 but I'm not sure, like I said, I was asleep when we lost it.
Bob: So you just lost the seventh?
Wally: Yep, seems there is some line in the ocean that you fly over and this line just sucks up a day!
Bob: Now that's strange.
Wally: You think that's strange, I met a guy yesterday who swears he landed in LA before he took off from Auckland!
Bob: You're kidding
Wally: Nope, he left late on the tenth and got to LA before breakfast on the same day.
Bob: You're kidding.
Wally: Nope, sometimes the day just disappears, one minute it's there and then 'zap' it's gone and then sometimes it just starts all over again.
Bob: Does anybody see it come and go?
Wally: I don't know, like I said, I was asleep.
Bob: So what day is it there?
Wally: It's the twenty-second here.
Bob: You're kidding! It's the twenty-first here.
Wally: Actually, the twenty-first was yesterday.
Bob: No, it's today.
Wally: No, today here is your tomorrow.
Bob: You're kidding.
Wally: Nope, as a matter of fact it's your tomorrow morning.
Bob: Why, what time is it.
Wally: It's eleven in the morning here.
Bob: It's two in the afternoon here, so that means we're ahead of you.
Wally: Yeah, but that's two in the afternoon yesterday so we're ahead of you.
Bob: You're kidding!
Wally: Nope, I haven't had lunch yet and it's already tomorrow.
Bob: You're kidding!
Wally: It's a nice day though, pretty warm.
Bob: So it's warm in the middle of winter?
Wally: No, it's actually already summer here. Bob... Hello!... Bob!